Rabu, 27 April 2011


 Duran adalah seorang petualang yang telah menetap di suatu desa di sudut Kota Shiltz, dan ia berniat untuk berpetualang kembali karena ia sudah bosan dengan keadaan di desa itu,”aku rasa aku harus pergi dari desa ini,aku sudah bosan dengan keadaan yang kacau ini” katanya. Dan teman-temannya sangat sedih dengan kepergiannya dan salah satu sahabatnya ikut dengan Duran untuk berpetualang bersamanya namanya Arus. Arus berkata”boleh aku ikut denganmu?” Duran menjawab,”boleh saja dan aku merasa senang jika ditemani oleh seorang sahabat seperti dirimu”, dan akhirnya mereka pergi bersama.
Pada sore hari mereka telah sampai di perbatasan desa Lime dan akan menuju desa Elim di perjalanan mereka melewati sebuah danau yang indah dan di sana banyak sekali bunga-bunga yang bagus, dan mereka berdua beristirahat di bawah pohon dekat danau tersebut,”aduuuuh capenya” kata Arus,”haha ya beginilah” jawab Duran, dan mereka tertidur di tempat itu.
Mereka terbangun pada malam hari karena mendengar sesuatu dari arah sebrang danau sana, mereka berlari ke arah suara tersebut, dan mereka bertemu gadis kecil yang sedang menangis dan di depannya ada seekor anak anjing yang terkulai lemas,”hei kenapa kamu menangis?” tanya Duran, gadis kecil itu tidak menjawab, lalu Arus bertanya,” ayo katakanlah kenapa kamu menangis” gadis kecil itu tidak menjawab apa-apa dan ia pun tertidur di rerumputan.
Pagi harinya ia dibangunkan dan dibuatkan makanan oleh Duran,”ini makanlah pasti kamu laparkan setelah semalaman menangis?” kata Duran, lalu gadis kecil itu menjawab dengan mimik wajah yang lemas”terima kasih” katanya, lalu Arus yang datang sambil membawa buah-buahan untuk bekal perjalanan dan bertanya kepada gadis kecil itu,” hei ngomong-ngomong nama kamu siapa?” lalu gadis kecil itu menjawab,” namaku Baldea,lalu kalian berdua siapa?” tanya Baldea, lalu arus menjawab” nama saya Duran dan yang membawa buah-buahan itu namanya Arus”,lalu Baldea bertanya lagi,”oo ia kalian melihat anjing yang waktu tadi malam tidak?” lalu Arus menjawab”dia ikut denganku tadi waktu mencari buah-buahan di hutan,itu dia di dekat danau” Baldea menjawab,” syukurlah kamu selamat,anjing ini peliharaanku dia selalu di kejar-kejar oleh anjing liar dan kemarin malam kaki anjing ini di gigit oleh ular tapi untungnya tidak berbisa(sambil mengusap-usap anjingnya),”wah untung ya selamat” kata Arus,lalu Duran berteriak,” ayo kita pergi lagi,keburu siang nih”.
Dan mereka mulai akan meninggalkan danau,”Baldea cepat kamu kembali ke rumahmu” kata Duran, lalu Baldea menjawab,” kalo boleh aku ikut dengan kalian saja soalnya aku tidak punya keluarga, mereka meninggal 3minggu yg lalu gara-gara jatuh dari jurang pada saat sedang mau pergi ke ladang, Arus menjawab,” boleh juga kalau kamu mau ikut, kan aku bisa pergi mencari makanan dengan ditemani anjing piaraanmu ini”,”terima kasih” jawab Baldea,” ya sudah ayo kita teruskan perjalanannya kita sebentar lagi sampai ke desa Elim”, kata Duran,mereka meneruskan perjalanan menuju ke desa Elim dan tentunya perjalanan ini tak mudah.
Di tengah perjalanan tiba-tiba hujan turun sangar deras dan mereka melihat kuil yang sepertinya sudah sangat tua, dan mereka berteduh di sana ada dua orang dan salah satunya adalah teman Arus dia bernama Claire,” Claireeee!” teriak Arus,lalu Claire menjawab,” siapa kamu,ooo jangan-jangan kamu Arus ya?” tanya Claire,” wow ternyata kamu masih inget ya,tumben biasanya kamu pikun hahaha” canda Arus,” oo ia kenalin ini Duran dan ini Baldea(sambil menunjuk kepada mereka berdua),kata Arus,”hei ini dimana ya rus?” tanya Duran,lalu seseorang menjawab sambil memetik bunga,” kalian ada di barat desa Elim yaitu di kuil Adel”,”ooooo(jawab mereka bertiga)”.
Hari sudah mulai cerah kembali dan mereka berniat untuk melanjutkan perjalanan mereka dan mereka mulai berpamitan di depan gerbang kuil,”terima kasih telah memperbolehkan kami berteduh di sini” kata Duran, tidak apa-apa malahan saya senang ada tamu yang datang,” dan Arus berkata,” hei Claire kamu mau ikut dengan kami,” Claire menjawab,”boleh juga aku ikut kalian”. Dan mereka pergi meneruskan perjalanan tiba-tiba di perjalanan Baldea duduk di atas batu sambil menahan perut karena merasa lapar,mereka bermalam disana dan Baldea tidur di dalam tenda,Claire sedang menemani Baldea,Arus sedang duduk menghadap ke api unggun sedangkan Duran ia malah masuk hutan dan kembali pada pagi hari.
Duran membangunkan Arus dan memberitahukan yang ia temui di dalam hutan sana ternyata disana ada jalan pintas menuju ke desa Elim dengan melewati Hutan Silon yang sangat indah,mereka sampai di gerbang desa Elim dengan selamat dan di sambut dengan muka para penduduknya yang sangat ramah dan akhirnya Duran telah mendapatkan impiannya ingin tinggal di tempat yang tenang dan damai dan tiga temannya mereka hidup bersama-sama dengan duran.

Minggu, 13 Februari 2011

bahan2 evo untuk pet tipe Seed

Seed - Bud , Success Ratio 100%

Bahan 1 : Yeast, stem of radish, pea shell, sap ,log, soy milk, vegetable oil, dye, spore , wooden board.

Bahan 2 : Geranium, large geranium, log, dye, pea shell, sap , vegetable oil, stem of radish, pea soy milk

Bud - Junior Mo-Mo 25%

Bahan 1 : Sap, vegetable oil, large geranium, stem of radish, radish, hero`s claw, fabric cloth (T)(B), magic fabric cloth (T)(B)

Bahan 2 : Radish, stem of radish, oxygen, hydrogen, carbon, sap ,leaf, vegetable oil, respect, rod

Bahan 3 : Stem of radish, radish, sap, vegetable oil, geranium, magic fabric cloth(T)(B), fabric cloth(T)(B), lucky card

Bud - Green Pumpkin 25%

Bahan 1 : Vine, Mulberry leaf, magic powder, gasoline, piece of glass, really hard shell, platinum, mark of sage, mark of great sage, mirthil

Bahan 2 : Really hard shell, platinum, silver, vine, piece of glass, gasoline, mark of sage, oxgen

Bud - Flower bud 25%

Bahan 1 : Blue dye, dye, 5 color strings, silver, magic powder, fairy powder, mark of wind, shinny thread, snow crystal

Bahan 2 : White ribbon, snow crystal, soul of snowprincess, silver, fairy powder, sap, sun stone, moon stone, blue crystal, cactus flower

Bud - Shuck 25%

Bahan 1 : Stem of radish, radish, vegetable oil, soy milk, large geranium, geranium, pea, kidney bean, dumb knuckle, log

Bahan 2 : Stem of radish, radish, leaf, pea shell, geranium, vegetable oil, sap , rotten leaf, pea ,soy milk

Bahan 3 : Sap, pea shell, soy milk, leaf, mulberry leaf, kidney bean, dye, pea, geranium, egg

Junior Mo-Mo - King Mo-Mo 60%

Bahan 1 : Pharaoh`s curse, ice-cold heart, ice crystal, bowl, man`s romance, jason`s heart, blue crystal, blue blaze, lucky card, radish

Bahan 2 : Father excuse, man`s romance, man`s sensivity, 4leaf clover, lucky card, ice crystal, Bowl, radish, vegetable oil, hero`s claw

Bahan 3 : Radish, man`s romance, man`s sensivity, father`s good old days, fathers`s excuse, pharaoh`s curse, ice crystal, ice-cold heart, bowl, lucky card

Junior Mo-Mo - Pretty Mo-Mo 30%

Bahan 1 : Pharaoh`s curse, ice-cold heart, ice crystal, bowl, man`s romance, jason`s heart, blue crystal, blue blaze, 4 leaf clover, radish

Junior Mo-Mo - Warrior Mo-Mo 10%

Bahan 1 : Pharaoh`s curse, ice-cold heart, ice crystal, bowl, man`s romance, jason`s heart, blue crystal, blue blaze, l4 leaf clover, radish

Green Pumpkin - Pumpkin Head 60%

Bahan 1 : Vine, venom canine, rotten leaf, respect, leaf, herb, log, stem of radish, mulberry leaf

Bahan 2 : mulberrry leaf, stem of radish, log, herb, leaf, respect, rotten leaf, venom canine, vine

Bahan 3 : Venom canine, bat`s tooth, poinsonous tooth, tooh, large pumpkin`s head, mulberry leaf, rotten leaf, 4 leaf clover

Green Pumpkin - Pumkin 30%

Bahan 1 :Hatchling`s tooth , bat`s tooth, venom canine, wolf`s tooth, leaf, rotten leaf, respect, herb, 4 leaf clover

Green Pumpkin - Amber 10%

Bahan 1 : venom canine, bat tooth, poinsonus tooth, tooth, large`s pumpkin head, mulberry leaf, respect, leaf, rotten leaf, 4 leaf clover

Flower Bud - Rose 50%

Bahan 1 : Rose, cactus flower, snow crystal, bell , goldfish, soul of snow princess, piya`s unfertilized egg, vegetable oil, large geranium, geranium

Bahan 2 : Rose, cactus flower, snow crystal, gold, goldfish, knight crest, piya`s unfertilized egg, vegetable oil, geranium, yellow darts

Flower Bud - SF 50%

Bahan 1 : Gold, piya`s unfertilized egg, white fur, snow crstal, blue blaze, cactus flower, bell, large geranium, geranium, knight crest

Bahan 2 : Snow crystal, gold, goldfish, gernaium, cactus flower, vegetable oil,piya`s unfertilized egg, bell, large geranium

Bahan 3 : Snow crystal, bell, goldfish, geranium, lucky card, vegetable oil, 4 leaf clover, knight crest, gold, piya`s unfertilized egg

Shuck - Beannie 60%

Bahan 1 : Herb, geranium, dumb knuckle, soy milk, cactus flower, sap, dye, vegetable oil, pea shell, leaf

Bahan 2 : Log, spore, yeast, soy milk , pea, egg, vegetable oil, pea shell, sap, geranium

Bahan 3 : Pea shell, pea, soy milk, geranium, dye, dumb knuckle, kidney bean, lucky card, bow, vegetable oil

Shuck - Pretty Beannie 30%

Bahan 1 : White gloves, soy milk, pea, pea shell, leaf, dye, geranium, lucky card

Shuck - Warrior Beannie 10%

Bahan 1 : Herb, geranium, dumb knuckle, soy milk, pea, sap, dye, vegetable oil, pea shell, leaf

King Mo-Mo - Mo-mo the great 70%

Bahan 1 : Peterpan 1 set, GS of rays, invisible sword, 4 leaf clover, invisible dagger, respect, leaf

Bahan 2 : Peterpan 1 set, Gs Of rays, invisible flail, 4 leaf clover, respect, leaf

Bahan 3 : Peterpan 1 set, Gs of rays, invisible sword, 4leaf clover, invisible dagger, leaf, respect

King MoMo - [inf]Warrior Mo-Mo 25%

Bahan 1 : Peterpan 1 set, gs of rays, invisible sword, 4 leaf clover, invisible staff, respect, leaf

King MoMo - Male Dryad 5%

Bahan 1 : Peterpan 1 set, gs of rays, invisible sword, 4 leaf clover, invisible staff, respect, leaf

Pretty Mo-Mo - Beautiful Mo-Mo 70%

Bahan 1 : Peterpan 1 set, leaf, 4leaf clover, Gs of rays, invisible sword, invisible dagger, iron flail

Bahan 2 : Peterpan 1 set, GS of rays, invisible sword, leaf, respect, 4leaf clover, invisible dagger

Pretty Mo-Mo - [inf] War mo2 20%

Bahan 1 : Peterpan 1 set, GS of rays, invisible sword, leaf, respect, 4leaf clover, invisible dagger

Pretty Mo-Mo - Male Dryad 10%

Bahan 1 : Peterpan 1 set, GS of rays, invisible sword, leaf, respect, 4leaf clover, invisible dagger

Warrior Mo-Mo - [inf]Warrior Mo-Mo 70%

Bahan 1 : Peterpan 1 set, man`s romance, royal blade, cactus flower, seaweed, lucky card, 4 leaf clover

Warrior Mo-Mo - Male Dryad 25%

Bahan 1 : Peterpan 1 set, man`s romance, royal blade, cactus flower, seaweed, lucky card, 4 leaf clover

Warrior Mo-Mo - Fly Male dryad 5%

Bahan 1 : Peterpan 1 set, man`s romance, royal blade, cactus flower, seaweed, lucky card, 4 leaf clover

Pumpkin Head - Pumpisto 95%

Bahan 1 : Seaweed, bell, ashes, white ashes, invisible sword, invisible staff, 4leaf clover, lucky card, GS of rays, invisible dagger

Pumpkin Head - Male Dryad 5%

Bahan 1 : Seaweed, bell, ashes, white ashes, invisible sword, invisible staff, 4leaf clover, lucky card, GS of rays, invisible dagger

Pumpkin - Huge Pumpkin Head 70%

Bahan 1 : Invisible sword, GS of rays, seaweed, invisible dagger, starfish, crab leg, rayshark`s fin, white ashes, ashes, 4 leaf clover

Pumpkin - Male Dryad 25%

Bahan 1 : Invisible sword, GS of rays, seaweed, invisible dagger, starfish, crab leg, rayshark`s fin, white ashes, ashes, 4 leaf clover

Pumpkin - Fly Male Dryad 5%

Bahan 1 : Invisible sword, GS of rays, seaweed, invisible dagger, starfish, crab leg, rayshark`s fin, white ashes, ashes, 4 leaf clover

Amber - Jurrassic Mosquito in amber 90%

Bahan 1 : Crystal, gold, silver, white fur, moonstone, ice crystal, lucky card, aleph`s crystal, platinum, ruby

Amber - Male Dryad 10%

Bahan 1 : Crystal, gold, silver, white fur, moonstone, ice crystal, lucky card, aleph`s crystal, platinum, ruby

Rose - White Rose 75%

Bahan 1 : Leaf, lucky card, respect, fairy powder, wit, stone, sharp tooh, invisible staff, sunflower seed, lightpanel

Rose - Female Dryad 25%

Bahan 1 : Leaf, lucky card, 4 leaf clover, respect, fairy powder, magic powder, sharp tooth, sunflower seed, lightpanel

Rose - Fly Female Dryad 5%

Bahan 1 : Leaf, lucky card, 4 leaf clover, respect, fairy powder, magic powder, sharp tooth, sunflower seed, lightpanel

Sunflower - Solar 95%

Bahan 1 : Sunflower seed, iron plate, cactus flower, 4 leaf clover, lucky card, fairy powder, magic powder, leaf, wit, peterpan (T)

Bahan 2 : Sunflower seed, wit, magic powder, fairy powder, cactus flower, leaf, iron plate, 4 leaf clover, lucky card, snow crystal

Bahan 3 : Cactus flower, fairy powder, magic powder, 4leaf clover, lucky card, iron plate, sunflower seed, leaf, wit, peterpan (T)

Sunflower - Female Dryad 5%

Bahan 1 : Sunflower seed, iron plate, cactus flower, 4 leaf clover, lucky card, fairy powder, magic powder, leaf, wit, peterpan (T)

Bahan 2 : Cactus flower, fairy powder, magic powder, 4leaf clover, lucky card, iron plate, sunflower seed, leaf, wit, peterpan (T)

Beannie - French Beannie 70%

Bahan 1 : Leaf, seaweed, white ashes, invisible staff, gs of rays, 4leaf clover, lucky card, peterpan(T)(H)(B)

Bahan 2 : Respect, leaf, mulberry leaf, 4 leaf clover, white ashes, GS of rays, invisible sword, invisible dagger, invisible staff, invisible flail

Bahan 3 : Leaf, mulberry leaf, seaweed, ashes , white ashes, peterpan (H), GS of rays, invisible flai, invisible staff, 4 leaf clover

Beannie - [inf]Warrior Beannie 25%

Bahan 1 : Leaf, mulberry leaf, seaweed, ashes , white ashes, peterpan (H), GS of rays, invisible flai, invisible staff, 4 leaf clover

Beannie - Female Dryad 5%

Bahan 1 : Leaf, mulberry leaf, seaweed, ashes, white ashes, peterpan hat , 4leaf clover, lucky card, peterpan(T)(B)

Pretty Beannie - Beautiful beannie 70%

Bahan 1 : Respect, seaweed, lucky card, leaf, fairy powder, peterpan(H)(T), invisible staff, sunflower seed, bell

Pretty Beannie -[inf]Warrior Beannie 25%

Bahan 1 : Respect, seaweed, lucky card, leaf, fairy powder, peterpan(H)(T), invisible staff, sunflower seed, bell

Pretty Beannie - Female Dryad 5%

Bahan 1 : Respect, seaweed, lucky card, leaf, fairy powder, peterpan(H)(T), invisible staff, sunflower seed, bell

Warrior Beannie - Inf war beannie 75%

Bahan 1 : peterpan 1 set . respect, seaweed, invisible staff, invisible sword, 4 leaf clover,invisible flail

Warrior Beannie - Female Dryad 20%

Bahan 1 : peterpan 1 set . respect, seaweed, invisible staff, invisible sword, 4 leaf clover,invisible flail

Warrior Beannie - Fly Female Dryad 5%

Bahan 1 : peterpan 1 set . respect, seaweed, invisible staff, invisible sword, 4 leaf clover,invisible flail

Bahan2 Evo untuk Piya Egg

Piya Egg - Baby Piya 100%

Bahan 1 : hatching stone, sap, milk, geranium, large geranium, motherly love, motherly devotion, mother`s heart, father`s excuse, father`s good old days

Bahan 2 : Egg, milk, soy milk, geranium, madam`s feather, piya`s unfertilized egg, chicken feather, hatching stone, sap ,lucky card

Bahan 3 : Sap, geranium, large geranium, egg, madam`s feather, hatching stone, piya`s unfertilized egg, chicken feather, milk, oxygen

Bahan 4 : Geranium, large geranium, forging rock, madam`s feather, egg, milk, chicken feather, piya`s unfertilized egg, sap , soymilk

Bahan 5 : Egg, milk, soy milk, geranium, piya`s unfertilized egg, pea, pea shell, sap , lucky card

Baby Piya - Silly piya 30%

Bahan 1 : Max red potion, high red potion, red potion, egg, wheat, max blue potion, high blue potion, blue potion, herb, 1000 year mushroom

Baby Piya - Smart Piya 30%

Bahan 1 : Crystal of star, blue crystal, wit, mark of sage, mark of mage, bell, cat`s whiskers, flail, wooden staff, lucky card

Bahan 2 : Wit, crystal of star, mark of sage, wooden staff, flail, cat`s whiskers, mark of mage, bell, blue crystal, lucky card

Bahan 3 : Wooden staff, flail, mark of sage, mark of great sage, crystal of sakiel, mark of mage, glassses, goldfish, high blue potion, 4 leaf clover

Baby Piya - Healty Piya 30%

Bahan 1 : Max red potion, high red potion, red potion, vodka, milk, max blue potion, high blue potion, blue potion, meat ,egg

Bahan 2 : Max blue potion, high blue potion, blue potion, respect, vodka, max red potion, high red potion, red potion, egg , meat

Bahan 3 : Max red potion, red potion, high red potion, egg ,herb, blue potion, high blue potion, max blue potion, vodka, milk

Baby Piya - ExtraOrdinary Piya 10%

Bahan 1 : Lucky Card, crystal of star, blue crystal, mark of sage, mark of mage, wit, clock, bell, cat`s whiskers, flail, wooden staff

Smart Piya - Magician Piya 20%

Bahan 1 : 4 leaf clover, magic leather clothes 1 set, magic powder, mage`s clothes 1 set

Smart Piya - Cleric Piya 20%

Bahan 1 : Mark of sage, wit, hammer hilt, adel`s blessing, mark of vampire, lucky card, crystal of sakiel, crystal of hesed, crystal of neza, crystal of dean

Smart Piya - Chicken 30%

Bahan 1 : 4 leaf clover, magic leather clothes 1 set, magic powder, mage`s clothes 1 set

Smart Piya - Warrior Piya 10%

Bahan 1 : 4 leaf clover, magic leather clothes 1 set, magic powder, mage`s clothes 1 set

Healthy Piya - Clown piya 30%

Bahan 1 : Mark of great sage, sage`s staff, wit, rabbit`s cleaver, chicken hat, mulberry leaf, dumb knuckle, 4leaf clover, lucky card,???

Healthy Piya - Knight piya 40%

Bahan 1 : Knight`s crest, soul of swordsman, armor pieces, iron plate, iron, titanium, mirthil, ceramic, really hard shell ,gold

Bahan 2 : Titanium, mitrhil, really hard shell, hard shell, knight crest, golenium, man`s romance, ceramic, iron, piya`s unfertilized egg

Bahan 3 : Man`s romance, knight crest, goldfish, ceramics, iron plate, Soul of swordsman, soul of holy knight, mitrhil, titanium , lucky card

Healthy Piya - Chicken 20%

Bahan 1 : Man`s romance, knight crest, goldfish, ceramics, iron plate, Soul of swordsman, soul of holy knight, mitrhil, titanium , lucky card

Healthy Piya - Warrior Piya 10%

Bahan 1 : Man`s romance, knight crest, goldfish, ceramics, iron plate, Soul of swordsman, soul of holy knight, mitrhil, titanium , lucky card

ExtraOrdinary Piya - Clown Piya 20%

Bahan 1 : mark of great sage, sage`s staff, wit , rabbit`s cleaver, chicken hat, mulberry leaf, dumb knuckle, 4 leaf clover, lucky card

Extraordinary Piya - Magician Piya 20%

Bahan 1 : Mark of great sage, magic leather clothes 1 set, mage`s clothes 1 set, magic powder

ExtraOrdinary Piya - Cleric piya 20%

Bahan 1 : mark of sage, mark of great sage, mark of vinagh, chinese talisman, flail, lucky card, piya`s staff, 4 leaf clover, adel`s blessing, cleric piya`s stringge

ExtraOrdinary Piya - Knight Piya 20%

Bahan 1 : Knight`s crest, soul of holy knight, armor pieces, lignite, iron, titanium, ceramics, really hard shell, gold, anthracite,

ExtraOrdinary Piya - Warrior Piya 17%

Bahan 1 : Mark of greast sage, leather clothes 1 set, mage`s clothes 1 set, magic powder

Extra Ordinary Piya - Hero piya 3%

Sage` staff, lucky card, magic leather clothes 1 set, mage`s clothes 1 set

Magician Piya - Great Magician Piya 80%

Bahan 1 : staff of radish, invisible staff, ghost staff, wagon driver staff, grandma staff, magic powder, soul of great mage, 4 leaf clover

Magician Piya - Super Piya 17%

Bahan 1 : staff of radish, invisible staff, ghost staff, wagon driver staff, grandma staff, magic powder, soul of great mage, 4 leaf clover

Magician Piya - Queen Of All Chicken 3%

Bahan 1 : staff of radish, invisible staff, ghost staff, wagon driver staff, grandma staff, magic powder, mark of great sage, 4 leaf clover

Cleric piya - super piya 17%

Bahan 1 : Soul of holy knight, soul of swordsman, spirit of cat, soul of great mage, soul of pirate, soul of snow princess, fallen spirit, soul of jester, lucky card, quick tempered ghost

CLeric Piya - High Cleric Piya 80%

Bahan 1 : Soul of holy knight, soul of swordsman, spirit of cat, soul of great mage, soul of pirate, soul of snow princess, fallen spirit, soul of jester, lucky card, quick tempered ghost

Cleric piya - Queen Of All Chicken 3%

Bahan 1 : Soul of holy knight, soul of swordsman, spirit of cat, soul of great mage, soul of pirate, soul of snow princess, fallen spirit, soul of jester, lucky card, quick tempered ghost

Knight Piya - Master Swordsman Piya 80%

Bahan 1 : Flamberge, bastard sword,piya`s sword, evil eye sword, gladius, ghost sword, skeleton sword, invisible sword, mama bear`s knife, dullahan sword, lucky card

Bahan 2 : flamberge, royal blade, warior piya`s sword, evil eye sword, gladius, skeleton sword, skeleton dark sword, mama bear`s knife, 4leaf clover, ghost sword

Bahan 3 : FLamberge, bastard swod, fierry sword, falchion, skeleton dark sword, invisible sword, ghost sword, mama bear`s knife, 4 leaf clover

Knight Piya - Super Piya 17%

Bahan 1 : flamberge, royal blade, warior piya`s sword, evil eye sword, gladius, skeleton sword, skeleton dark sword, mama bear`s knife, 4leaf clover, ghost sword

Bahan 2 : piya`s sword, fierry sword, flamberge, evil eye sword, gladius, mama bear`s knife, dullahan sword, skeleton sword, skeleton dark sword, 4 leaf clover

Knight Piya - King Off All Chicken 3%

Bahan 1 : flamberge, royal blade, warior piya`s sword, evil eye sword, gladius, skeleton sword, skeleton dark sword, mama bear`s knife, 4leaf clover, ghost sword

Warrior Piya - Super Piya 80%

Bahan 1 : piya` sword, warrior piya`s sword, piya`s staff, cleric piya`s syringge, cleric piya hat, warrior piya`s glove, soul of swordsman , soul of holy knight, soul of great mage, 4 leaf clover

Bahan 2 : Soul of holy knight, soul of jester, soul of great mage, soul of pirate, warrior piya`s sword, piya`s sword, piya`s staff, cleric piya`s syringge, mage piya`s staff, 4leaf clover

Warrior Piya - King Off All Chicken 7%

Bahan 1 : soul of holy knight, soul of swordsman, soul of jester, soul of great mage, soul of pirate, warrior piya`s sword, piya`s swrod, piya`s staff, cleric piya`s syringge, 4 leaf clover

Warrior Piya - Fly Chicken King 3%

Bahan 1 : Soul of holy knight, soul of swordsman, soul of jester, soul of great mage, soul of pirate, warrior piya`s sword, piya`s sword, piya`s staff, cleric piya`s syringge, 4 leaf clover

Warrior Piya - Queen Of All Chicken 7%

Bahan 1 : Soul of holy knight, soul of swordsman, soul of jester, soul of great mage, soul of pirate, warrior piya`s sword, piya`s sword, piya`s staff, cleric piya`s syringge, 4 leaf clover

Warrior Piya - Fly Chicken Queen 3%

Bahan 1 : Soul of holy knight, soul of swordsman, soul of jester, soul of great mage, soul of pirate, warrior piya`s sword, piya`s sword, piya`s staff, cleric piya`s syringge, 4 leaf clover

Chicken Piya - Cranky Rooster 70%
Bahan 1 : Chicken costume (T)(S)(H), golem`s heart, ice-cold`s heart, jason`s heart, motherly devotion, mother`s heart, father`s excuse, man`s romance

Chicken Piya - Warrior Piya 20%

Bahan 1 : Chicken costume (T)(S)(H), golem`s heart, ice-cold`s heart, jason`s heart, motherly devotion, mother`s heart, father`s excuse, man`s romance

Chicken Piya - King Of All Chicken 5%

Bahan 1 : Chicken costume (T)(S)(H), golem`s heart, ice-cold`s heart, jason`s heart, motherly devotion, mother`s heart, father`s excuse, man`s romance

Chicken Piya - Queen Of All Chicken 5%

Bahan 1 : Staff of radish, invisible staff, ghost staff, wagon driver`s staff, grandma`s staff, mage piya`s staff, rena`s staff, cool guy`s stick , raden`s staff, 4leaf clover

Hero Piya - General Piya 57%

Bahan 1 : Armor of wind 1set, shield of wind, bamboo hat, korean tradition costume (T)(B)(S), 4 leaf clover

Hero Piya - Super Piya 40%

Bahan 1 : Armor of wind 1set, shield of wind, bamboo hat, korean tradition costume (T)(B)(S), 4 leaf clover

Hero Piya - Fly chicken king 3%

Bahan 1 : Armor of wind 1set, shield of wind, bamboo hat , korean tradition costume (T)(B)(S), 4 leaf clover

Bird Egg - Legged bird egg 100%

Bahan 1 : Milk, chicken feather, hatching stone, sap, mark of wind, motherly devotion, mother`s heart, father`s excuse, lucky card,

Bahan 2 : chicken feather, motherly love, hatching stone, sap, motherly devotion, mother`s heart, father`s excuse, lucky card, mark of wind, white fur

Bahan 3 : Milk, chicken feather, hatching stone, sap, motherly devotion, mother`s heart, father`s excuse, lucky card, mark of wind

Bahan 4 : Milk, sap , hatching stone, chicken feather, lucky card, mother`s heart, motherly devotion, motherly love, father`s excuse, father`s good old Days

Legged Bird Egg - Feather Winged Egg 50%

Bahan 1 : milk, white gloves, gold fur, white fur, rabbit fur, gariel`s feather, mariel`s feather, crow`s feahter, eangle`s feather, chicken`s feather

Bahan 2 : Gariel` feather, mariel`s feather, eangle`s feather, crow`s feather, chicken`s feather, white glove, gold fur, white fur, rabbit fur, magic powder

Bahan 3 : Gariel` feather, mariel`s feather, eangle`s feather, crow`s feather, chicken`s feather,milk, white glove, gold fur, white fur, rabbit fur

Legged Bird Egg - Bat winged egg 50%

Bahan 1 : Bat`s wing, bat`s tooth, venom canine, iron, mark of vampire, black sap, forging rock, volcanic rock, spider`s poison, lucky card,

Bahan 2 : Bat`s wing, tail, father`s good old day, venom canine, spider poison, volcanic rock, black sap, 4 leaf clover, lucky card

Bahan 3 : Volcanic rock, crow`s feather, crystal of sakiel, father`s excuse, black sap, forging rock, bat`s tooth, bat`s wing, venom canine, poisonous claw

Bat Winged egg - Baby Bat 30%

Bahan 1 :motherly love, motherly devotion, motherly love, father`s good old days, father`s excuse, venom canine, bat`s tooth, sharp tooth, milk, soy milk

Bat Winged Egg - Blood Sucking bat 30%

Bahan 1 : Bat`s wing, venom canine, poisonous claw, spider poison, mark of sakiel,crystal of sakiel, mark of vampire, dullahan tear, bat`s tooth, lucky card

Bat winged egg - Pigbat 35%

Bahan 1 : Max red potion, red potion, high red potion, rabbit fur, soy milk, pea, bear`s gall, milk, 1000 year mushroom, lucky card

Bahan 2 : Red potion, max red potion, high red potion, soy milk, milk, meat, goldfish, bear`s gall, bat`s wing, 4 leaf clover

Bahan 3 : 4 leaf clvoer, bat`s wing, red potion, high red potion, max red potion, hatchling tooh, milk, bear`s gall, goldfish, hatchling scae

Bat winged egg - Salamander 5%

Bahan 1 : Red potion, max red potion, high red potion, meat, milk, bear`s gall, goldfish, soy milk, hatchling scale &tooth

Bahan 2 : Red potion, high red potion, max red potion, soy milk, milk, meat , goldfish, bear`s gall, bat`s wing, 4 leaf clover

Bahan 3 : 4leaf clover, bat`s wing, red potion, max red potion, high red potion, hatchling scale & tooth, bear`s gall, goldfish

Feather Winged Egg - Crow 30%

Bahan 1 : Adel`s blessing, shinny threads, piece of glass, knight`s crest, titanium, mirhthil, silver, platinum, gold, lucky card,

Bahan 2 : silver, gold, platinum, mithril, titanium, knight`s crest, piece of glass, shinny threads, lucky card, mark of wind

Bahan 3 : Knight`s crest, crow feather, gold, piece of glass , platinum, shinny threads, mithril, silver

Feather Wingged egg - Pair Of Love Birds 30%

Bahan 1 : mother`s heart, motherly devotion, motherly love, father`s excuse, father`s good old days, cold heart, golem`s heart, man`s romance, lucky card

Feather Wingged Egg - Owl 35%

Bahan 1 : Eyeball, mushroom, eangle`s feather, hot blood, magic leather clothes (T)(B)(S), mage`s clothes(T)(B), snake scale

Bahan 2 : magic leather (T)(B)(S)(H), mage`s clothes (T)(B)(H), eyeball, mark of wind, magic powder

Bahan 3 : Magic leather hat (T)(B)(H), magic fabric clothes 1set, eyeball, magic powder, mark of wind

Bahan 4 : Mage`s clothes 1 set, mark of wind, eyeball, magic leather (T)(B)(H), magic powder

Feather Wingged Egg - Eangle 5%

Bahan 1 : adel`s blessing, shinny threads, piece of glass, crow`s feather, titanium, gold , silver, platinum, morthil, lucky card

Bahan 2 : mage`s clothes (T)(B)(H), magic leather clothes 1 set,eyeball, magic powder, mark of wind

Bahan 3 : Eyeball, magic fabric clothes 1 set, magic leather clothes 1 set ,4 leaf clover

Bahan 4 : Mage clothes 1 set, magic leather clothes (T)(B)(H), eyeball, mark of wind, magic powder

Baby bat - HBBB 98%

Bahan 1 : GS of fierry, fierry dagger, mars mace, bat`s wing, bgm, 4 leaf clover, vampire canine, bat`s tooth , boiling blood, hot blood

Baby bat - Dragon 2%

Bahan 1 : GS of fierry, fierry dagger, mars mace, bat`s wing, bgm, 4 leaf clover, vampire canine, bat`s tooth , boiling blood, hot blood

Blood Sucking Bat - Count bat 98%

Bahan 1 : Vampire dagger, GS of evil eye, evil eye sword, fierry sword, mars mage , hot blood, boiling blood, vampire canine, 4 leaf clover, blue blood of reptile

Bahan 2 : Vampire dagger, GS of evil eye, evil eye sword, fierry sword, mars mage , hot blood, boiling blood, mark of vampire, 4 leaf clover, blue blood of reptile

Bahan 3 : vampire dagger, GS of evil eye, evil eye sword , hot blood, boiling blood, 4 leaf clover, blue blood of reptile, mark of vampire

Blood Sucking Bat - Dragon 2%

Bahan 1 : vampire dagger, GS of evil eye, evil eye sword , hot blood, boiling blood, 4 leaf clover, blue blood of reptile, mark of vampire

Pigbat - Lucky Pig Bat 98%

Bahan 1 : cow skin, rabbit ears , snake skin, hatchling tooth , wolf`s skin, chicken costume T , dog nose, farmer pig`s rake, 4 leaf clover

Bahan 2 : Minotaur`s passion , cow skin , rabbit ears, snake skin , hatchling scale , wagon driver`s staff , rooster`s cudgel, 4 leaf clover, farmer pig`s rake

Bahan 3 : Snake skin, cow skin, rabbit ears, hatchling tooth , wagon driver`s staff, wolf skin, chicken costume (T)(S), 4 leaf clover

Pigbat - Dragon 2%

Bahan 1 : cow skin, rabbit ears , snake skin, hatchling tooth , wolf`s skin, chicken costume T , dog nose, farmer pig`s rake, 4 leaf clover

Salamander - Hatchling 70%

Bahan 1 : incubus horn, platinum antennae, snake skin , poisonous claw, lunar shield, mermaid bubble, blue blaze, 4 leaf clover, minotaur`s passion, hatchling scale

Salamander - Dragon 29%

Bahan 1 : incubus horn, platinum antennae, snake skin , poisonous claw, lunar shield, mermaid bubble, blue blaze, 4 leaf clover, minotaur`s passion, hatchling scale

Salamander - Fly Dragon 1%

Bahan 1 : incubus horn, platinum antennae, snake skin , poisonous claw, lunar shield, mermaid bubble, blue blaze, 4 leaf clover, minotaur`s passion, hatchling scale

Crow - Ibis 98%

Bahan 1 : soul dagger, metronicker, 4 leaf clover, platinum mace , mirhthil sword, divine blade, staff of awakening ,GS of alloy , GS of genuine radiance, loriel`s staff

Crow - Phoenix 2%

Bahan 1 : soul dagger, metronicker, 4 leaf clover, platinum mace , mirhthil sword, divine blade, staff of awakening ,GS of alloy , GS of genuine radiance, loriel`s staff

Pair Of love bird - Sweet love birds 98%

Bahan 1 : red plumber`s plunger, yellow plumber`s plunger, platinum plumber`s plunger, dullahan swordm rabbit`s cleaver, motherly devotion, motherly love, mother`s heart, father`s good old day, 4leaf clover

Bahan 2 : red plumber`s plunger, yellow plumber`s plunger, platinum plumber`s plunger, dullahan sword, ladle, motherly devotion, motherly love, mother`s heart, father`s good old day, 4leaf clover

Pair Of Love bird - Phoenix 2%

Bahan 1 : red plumber`s plunger, yellow plumber`s plunger, platinum plumber`s plunger, dullahan swordm rabbit`s cleaver, motherly devotion, motherly love, mother`s heart, father`s good old day, 4leaf clover

Owl - Dr.Owl 98%

Bahan 1 : Star crystal, lunar shield, Night shadow armor (T)(S)(H), starlight armor 1 set, 4 leaf clover

Bahan 2 : Star crystal, lunar shield, night shadow armor 1 set, starlight armor (H)(B), starlight shield, 4 leaf clover

Owl - Phoenix 2%

Bahan 1 : Star crystal, lunar shield, Night shadow armor (T)(S)(H), starlight armor 1 set, 4 leaf clover

Bahan 2 : Star crystal, lunar shield, night shadow armor 1 set, starlight armor (H)(B), starlight shield, 4 leaf clover

Eagle - Thunder Bird 70%

Bahan 1 : mariel`s feather, snake scale, goldfish, hatchling scale, chicken costume (H), crab leg, solar stone, ruby, evil eye sword, 4 leaf clover

Bahan 2 : eangle`s feather, mariel`s feather, hatchling scale, crab leb, 4 leaf clover, wolf`s skin, crustacean bone, snake skin, ruby, chicken costume(H)

Eagle - Phoenix 29%

Bahan 1 : mariel`s feather, snake scale, goldfish, hatchling scale, chicken costume (H), crab leg, solar stone, ruby, evil eye sword, 4 leaf clover

Bahan 2 : eagle`s feather, mariel`s feather, hatchling scale, crab leb, 4 leaf clover, wolf`s skin, crustacean bone, snake skin, ruby, chicken costume(H)

Eagle - Fly Phoenix 1%

Bahan 1 : mariel`s feather, snake scale, goldfish, hatchling scale, chicken costume (H), crab leg, solar stone, ruby, evil eye sword, 4 leaf clover

Bahan 2 : eagle`s feather, mariel`s feather, hatchling scale, crab leb, 4 leaf clover, wolf`s skin, crustacean bone, snake skin, ruby, chicken costume(H)

Bahan2 evo untuk Heaven Egg

Heaven Egg - Baby 100%

Bahan 1 : Mother`s heart, motherly devotion, motherly love, father`s excuse, father`s good old days, milk, soy milk, hatching stone, geranium, lucky card

Bahan 2 : Milk, soy milk, hatching stone, geranium, motherly love, motherly devotion, mother`s heart, fairy powder, lucky card

Bahan 3 : Hatching Stone, mother`s heart, motherly love, father`s excuse, father`s good old days, milk, fabric cloth 1 set

Baby - Girl 100%

Bahan 1 : Mother`s heart, motherly love, motherly devotion, father`s excuse , father`s good old days, magic powder, fairy powder, gold, silver, lucky card

Bahan 2 : Red Ribbon, mother`s heart, motherly love, rose, snow crystal, father`s excuse, fairy powder, blue dye, gold, oxygen

Bahan 3 : moon stone, fairy powder, sap, snow crystal, gold, platinum, motherly devotion, motherly love, mother`s heart, father`s excuse

Bahan 4 : motherly devotion, mother`s heart, father`s good old days, lucky card, fairy powder, cactus flower, blue blaze, solar stone, bundle of dream, soul of holy knight

Girl - Lady 100%

Bahan 1 : motherly love, motherly devotion, mother`s heart,moon stone, father`s excuse, bundle of dreams, snow crystal, mermaid`s bubble, fairy powder, magic powder

Bahan 2 : motherly love, motherly devotion, mother`s heart,moon stone, father`s excuse, red ribbon, bundle of dream, snow crystal, sap, fiery powder

Bahan 3 : motherly love, motherly devotion, mother`s heart, father`s excuse, bear`s gall, bundle of dream, soul of holy knight, moon stone, sap, fairy powder

Bahan 4 : Motherly love, motherly devotion, father`s excuse, red ribbon, gold, snow crystal, soul of holy knight, father`s good old days, cactus flower, bundle of dreams

Bahan 5 : Snow crystal, motherly love, motherly devotion, mother`s heart,moon stone, father`s excuse, oxygen, lucky card, bundle of dreams, cactus flower, white base

Bahan 6 : motherly love, motherly devotion, mother`s heart,moon stone, father`s excuse, father`s good old days, snow crystal, soul of holy knight, oxygen, bundle of dream, lucky card

Lady - Valkyrie 90%

Bahan 1 : Starlight armor 1 set, lucky card, 4 leaf clover, flamberge, masquarde, soul of swordsman, soul of holy knight

Bahan 2 : Starlight armor (H)(T)(S), starlight shield, lucky card, flamberge, masquarde,4leaf clover, soul of holy knight, soul of swordsman

Bahan 3 : Starlight armor (S)(T)(H), starlight shield, flamberge, masquarde, 4 leaf clover, soul of holy knight, soul of swordsman, wagon`s driver staff

Lady - Fly Valkyrie 10%

Bahan 1 : Starlight armor (H)(B)(S), starlight shield, lucky card, flamberge, masquarde,4leaf clover, soul of holy knight, soul of swordsman

Bahan 2 : Starlight armor (S)(B)(H), starlight shield, flamberge, masquarde, 4 leaf clover, soul of holy knight, soul of swordsman, wagon`s driver staf